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10 Proven Healthy Tips For Better Sleep!

Sleeping is one of the most important parts of our lives, but it does not just sleep one should be able to have a healthy and sound sleep in order to be fit. There are many sleep disorders most common is insomnia witnessed commonly in young people and even adults who stress a lot. Lack of sleep is an issue that needs medical treatment nowadays, therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy sleeping habit. When we sleep properly we prepare for a better tomorrow and can work with energy and enthusiasm


How Much Sleep Is Appropriate?


It is a lesser-known fact that if a person suffers from sleep disorders for a long period of time he/she may start developing mood disorders, increased risk of heart disease, higher blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. Therefore, it is important to know how much sleep is appropriate at any age, some of the best medical helpers and pharmacies have provided the information for us. 


  1. For Newborns 14 to 17 hours of sleep is necessary
  2. For Infants 12 to 15 hours of sleep is necessary
  3. For Toddlers 11 to 14 hours of sleep is necessary
  4. For Teens 8 to 10 hours of sleep is necessary
  5. For Adults 7 to 9 hours of sleep is necessary
  6. For Older Adults 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary


10 Proven Healthy Tips For Better Sleep!


#1 Sleeping Schedule

It is important to set a proper schedule on when you go to sleep and when to wake up, maintaining this cycle for a period of time will keep you habituated.


#2 Avoids Naps

Try not to take small naps whenever you feel like. Taking small naps in the daytime doesn’t let you get enough sleep and keeps you tired throughout.


#3 Just Before Sleeping

One can make a quick habit of stretching, reading a book, taking a bath or preparing for the next day in order to sleep properly. It helps you calm down and not overthink. 


#4 Eat Healthy

Eathy food habits are very important for your daily life. One can have a small snack just some cereals or half a sandwich before sleeping. Also do include carbs in your daily food.


#5 Do not Stress

Work at times can be overwhelming but one should not stress a lot over anything. It disturbs the sleep cycle of a person and keeps you thinking and stressing. 


#6 Use better mattress and pillow

A good mattress and pillow is one of the most important parts of better sleep. If your bed and pillow are not comfortable it can cause back pains and other disorders to hinder sleep. Medical facilitators have often suggested people to use a good mattress and pillow.


#7 Meditate

Meditation not only calms your mind but always helps you sleep better at night. It is seen that people whoa re ain a routine to meditate and exercise have better sleep than others. 


#8 Set Proper Temperature

Setting your room temperature helps you sleep in a better environment and hence provides a good nap. It has been proven that temperature is more problematic than noise for a person sleeping. It is therefore suggested to set your room temperature to at least 70F or 20-degree celsius in order to get a quality sleep.   


#9 Drink That helps you sleep

There are some medically proven drinks that can help your body real and therefore provide you with better sleep. Some of these are Chamomile tea, warm milk etc. 


#10 Supplements and Herbs

Last but not the least one can try some essential oils, supplements herbs to improve the quality of their sleep. Some of the supplements as prescribed by doctors can also be found at good pharmacy stores in town. 



A good sleep cycle not only enhance your health but also your daily activities and mental health. Once you start falling sleep on time and take proper quality naps you can have a perfect day with all kind of positiveness. It is suggested that one should never start taking sleeping pills as it is not very good for your health. Once you develop a habit of sleeping pills there is no going back and that is more harmful than a disturbed sleep.


10 Simple Ways To Optimize Your Immunity During COVID-19

Immunity is something that helps us fight diseases if it enters our body. In the time of a pandemic caused due to the outbreak of the coronavirus we often hear is important to have a good immune to fight the COVID-19. However, it is not possible to build an immune system overnight, we can try to optimize our immunity amidst this nationwide lockdown. 

There is a huge panic for people who are above 50 years of age, while we are still practising the hygiene as prescribed by the world health organization it is also important to go through some basic ways to build our immunity.


10 Ways To Optimize Immunity


Let us build our Immunity with One of the leading Pharmacy of India. It is not a very difficult thing to practice these basic things in our daily life to optimize our immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hydrate Yourself -

Water is an essential element of our body it helps in maintaining the temperature of our body, flushing out toxic wastes and also boosts our metabolism. Try to drink as much as 3 to 4iters of water in a day to keep yourself hydrated in this pandemic. 


Increase Antioxidants in Diet -

We do not often know what is the difference between a detox diet and and and anti detox diest. On a regular basis, we tend to be on a detox diet when we have cooked meals. Whereas a diet with antioxidants help our body fight against free radicals. Some of the antioxidants that we can include in our diet are green tea, spinach, garlic, turmeric etc. 


Exercise Daily -

Make it a habit to exercise every day. Take out 45 minutes from your daily life and workout in ways to help your muscles grow, sweat and build your stamina.  Those who exercise every day have better immunity than those who do not. 


Meditate - 

It helps you fight stress in everyday life. It helps balance the autonomic nervous system in our body. Further, it helps us help spiritually and keep us calm. The complete process build our mind and body to fight against injures and diseases miraculously. 


Consume Herbs Or Ayurvedic medicines - 

There are some of the best remedies to enhance our metabolism, also herbs like tulsi, ginger, ashwagandha are known to be having anti-viral properties that help us fight unwanted germs in our body. 


Avoid Smoking Or Drinking -

Consumption of alcohol decreases our immune system, therefore, one must avoid any such kind of drink in the current situation. Also, as we know COVID-19 tends to affect our respiratory system smoking can worsen the situation. 


Supplements -

One can also use some supplements available through an online pharmacy that provides 24*7 services. Some of the common supplements that work as superfoods are vitamin c, Vitamin D, Zinc etc. 


Proper Sleep - 

Maintain a sleeping time of at least 7-8 hours daily, lack of sleep can lower your immunity system. Lesser amount of sleep makes our body tired and makes us slow. 


Hygiene -

It is important to maintain hygiene at this time of global pandemic. We often hear, how necessary it is to wash our hands regularly. Make it a habit to wash hands for at least 20 seconds and make it frequent. In case when you can not wash hands use sanitizers. One can buy sanitizers online from one of the best pharmacy at a discount of 5% to 20 % depending upon the brand. 


Manage Stress -

It is important to stay fit mentally while working from home. In the current situation of the world, it is obvious to panic and get tensed, but it is important to know how to manage this stress and stay fit mentally.



Looking at the scenarios of the world it is important to implement the strategies to stay fit and immune, not just for the sake of COVID-19 but let us make this a habit forever. Once your body is ready to fight viruses and germs you have less fear of getting sick. Building an immunity takes time, therefore the process must be consistent in order to develop it into a habit of yours. To conclude all we can do is this situation is to help ourselves in order to help our community!


Iron Deficiency In Infants And How to Deal With It

Iron is one of the essential minerals required in a human body especially in infants and toddlers. The red blood cells that carries oxygen to our bodies have haemoglobin in them. Iron in the body produces haemoglobin which imparts the red colour to the cell and is essential for life. 

The deficiency of iron in an infant can lead to poor growth and can affect their health. It can also lead to anaemia. Deficiency of iron is commonly found in infants and growing children due to which they have pale skin, lack of appetite and slow growth, These are some basic symptoms that are prevalent in infants with deficiency of Iron. 


What Causes Iron Deficiency in Infants?

There are some basic reasons that lead to a deficiency of Iron in infants or even toddlers-

  1. Insufficient  Diet: One of the major reason for the deficiency of iron is not getting a proper diet. Parent tend to overdo on a particular type of diet to their kids which is not beneficial to them. It is important to provide a diet full of all the nutritions, not necessarily milk.
  2. Blood Loss: There are many causes of blood loss in an infant be it ulcers in the stomach or infections due to parasites. These lead to iron deficiency in them.
  3. There are times when a baby can not get sufficient iron from the food even if they are rich in iron and other minerals. Such condition occurs due to some of the other diseases that must be diagnosed on time. 
  4. Infants born prematurely have less weight from birth these babies tend to have a deficiency of Iron in them. 
  5. Infants who are feed cow’s milk or goat milk before they turn 1 often have an iron deficiency.


Preventions And Tips 

Some of the best pharmacies in Delhi indicates the amount of Iron that is required in the human body as per their age -

  • 7 to 12 month: 11mg
  • 1 to 3 years: 7mg
  • 4 to 8 years:  10mg
  • 9 to 13 years: 8mg


Some of the preventions we can use giants iron deficiency in infants are provided here as per some of the medical beneficiaries-


Tip #1 Food As a Source

As taken an initiative some of the best pharmacies in India explains the types of iron in the human body and where are they absorbed from. Thera er basically two types of Iron Heme Iron that is absorbed from the intake of meats. The other being non-heme iron that is available in vegetables and cereals. 

Some of the examples of food rich in iron are: fish, eggs,whole-grain breads, rice etc.


Tip #2 Iron Supplements

Infants on breastfeeding do not need an iron supplement in their body, however, babies with low weight by birth may requite some iron supplement as prescribed by the doctor. You can now order the medicines online from one of the best online pharmacies in India with discounts.


Tip #3 Enhance Absorption

Vitamin C helps absorb iron in case of using iron supplements for kids it is preferred to provide it with a glass of orange juice instead of normal water. 


Tip# 4 Do not Overdo milk

Although milk is a rich nutrition and is important for growth it is highly recommended that a child must not have an overdo of milk.



Iron deficiency is one of the most commonly found issues with infants and toddlers and the major reason being lack of proper diet. It is always good to prevent a circumstance than to cure it. Make sure to give food with all the sufficient nutrition in them. 

One can always opt for a supplement suggested by doctors to the kids but a healthy diest rich in iron affects way better in the growth and development of your infant and toddlers!

COVID-19: What is an Outbreak, Epidemic and Pandemic?

The increasing cases of COVID-19 over months led the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare it a pandemic. On March 11, 2020, the disease with this serious respiratory condition triggered by n-COV i.e. the novel coronavirus strain infection broke globally and was declared a pandemic. There has been a huge confusion ever since on terms that are an outbreak, an epidemic and a pandemic. Now, there is a difference between these three terms in a way these three scenarios of disease spread is a matter of scale. 

It is important to understand the thin line between these scenarios as it is the call of the hour. With raging spread, the disease has infected as many as 3,80,000 people scattered across 190 countries in the world. The diseases have been a threat to the health workers, medical staffs, pharmacies and other people who need to work in this lethal situation. Let us understand these three scenarios of spreading a disease separately. 

What is an Outbreak?

When an unusual disease starts spreading over a small place and population it is often tracked down by the epidemiologists. They predict the spread in a given time period in an area. When this disease although is noticeable but crosses the number of expected cases it is termed as an outbreak.

When a new disease is taking over, outbreaks are more noticeable since the expected number of illnesses caused by that disease was zero primarily.

For example, the number of cases of pneumonia rose up unexpectedly among market-goers in Wuhan, China. Public health officials took control of the spread and understood the rise in pneumonia cases and there constituted an outbreak of a new type of coronavirus, now named SARS-CoV-As soon as local health workers detect an outbreak, they start an investigation to determine exactly who are affected and how many have been infected by the disease. The information helps them understand the limitations of the outbreak and the extend od harm it can cause.

Difference Between An Outbreak and A Epidemic?

Once this outbreak that is detected by the epidemiologists starts to spread over a wide geographical area into longer remains an outbreak, such a situation is termed as an epidemic. For example, when people who do not belong to Wuhan, China started to get infected by this outbreak detected three now known as coronavirus, it was termed as an epidemic. 

The disease started from China was later noticed to be spreading in Italy, Iran and the USA and took over a horrifying shape in thee countries which are known for their medical facility and pharmacy. 

When Is A Disease Declared An Pandemic?

As we see the spread of coronavirus globally that defines what a pandemic is. Basically, when a disease spreads globally ad uncontrollably it is termed as a pandemic. It is the highest level of global health emergency declared by the world health organization. COVID-19 being declared a pandemic is historic in itself and also terrifying. As the WHO has declared only two pandemics that are for influenza in 1918 and for influenza H1N1 in 2009. 

COVID -19 Symptoms

The symptoms of COVID-19 are very much familiar to that of a normal flu that re cough, cold or fever. However, the temperature of a person suffering from COVID-19 is usually very high. Also, the person might face normal to severe breathing difficulties, that do not subside with conventional medications but is also a highly infectious disease.

The disease can further spread from a sick person to a healthy individual, by merely coming in close contact. The mechanism of transmission of the n-COV virus involves air droplets emanated from an ailing patient to a normal human.

COVID -19 Precautions

As we know the seriousness of the situation we are all in, it is important to take precautions. In order to fight against the disease called COVID-19, one can take these measures given below. 

  • The most important method is social distancing.
  • Do not travel if not required
  • Try buying things online from medicines to groceries are available in a click today. 
  • In case of any symptoms be it light, consult a doctor. 
  • Stop believing in rumours and start understanding things that are officially put